Today is Loua's day! She was spayed this morning and "is doing well in recovery", the nurse had said when she phoned. No more messy heat cycles for Loua!!! YAHOO!!! We'll pick her up later and then it's strict bedrest for the next 2 weeks.
I'm sure the first thing Loua will do when she gets home is ask for food! She's such a food hound, she actually gave me a dirty look when I didn't feed her breakfast this morning, lol.
Casey, Nellie, Dana, Kelsey, Bailey and Heidi. Forever in our hearts.
Zoda, May 26, 1999 - February 28, 2011. Forever in our hearts.
Opal, May 20, 2005 - April 24, 2020. Forever in our hearts.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Ursa, RN, RA, CGC, March 10, 2011. Home-grown, Raw-fed.
Loua, July 12, 2020. Family-Ties.
"Mother Nature already knows what Science is still trying to figure out".
Glad everything went well!
Black Labbies (01-25-2025)
Be well Loua. I've only spayed two but recovery seemed to be much faster than the Vet predicted, meaning we had to work to keep jumping and running and "Let's GO Mum" under control.
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Castilleja's Dubhgall Oban, the Black Stranger of The Little Bay
Oct. 15, 2007 - June 13, 2021
Oxtongue Rapids Park. Oct. 2019 Hidden Content
Black Labbies (01-25-2025)
Wait, did I miss episodes? Wasn't she supposed to go to the breeder and be bred?
Glad everything went well, wishing Loua a speedy recovery!
Cookie Black Snowflake
July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.
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Black Labbies (01-25-2025)
Yes, Berna, Loua was a day away from being bred, but then the breeder changed her mind and signed over to us a non-breeding contract for Loua.
Without going into details, the breeder had said 3 times that "the timing sucked" for Loua to be bred, because the breeder would be stuck with Winter puppies, because they don't sell - people don't want to potty train in cold, snowy conditions. As it was, she already had a 6 week old litter on the ground and a fresh litter born Oct 23, two days after Loua went into heat (Oct 21) and then 8 days later Loua spent 5 days at the breeders house for progesterone testing and then breeding. And, the breeder was stuck with another litter of a different breed. Draw you own conclusions and you're probably correct. After much complaining from the breeder, our words to her were "then don't breed Loua", and that's what happened.
Casey, Nellie, Dana, Kelsey, Bailey and Heidi. Forever in our hearts.
Zoda, May 26, 1999 - February 28, 2011. Forever in our hearts.
Opal, May 20, 2005 - April 24, 2020. Forever in our hearts.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Ursa, RN, RA, CGC, March 10, 2011. Home-grown, Raw-fed.
Loua, July 12, 2020. Family-Ties.
"Mother Nature already knows what Science is still trying to figure out".
Thanks all for your well wishes!!
Loua is doing well post-op, She doesn't like the cone, but Loua is a licker and she must wear the cone to prevent injury to her incision. She's ok being confined to an expen for now.
Casey, Nellie, Dana, Kelsey, Bailey and Heidi. Forever in our hearts.
Zoda, May 26, 1999 - February 28, 2011. Forever in our hearts.
Opal, May 20, 2005 - April 24, 2020. Forever in our hearts.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Ursa, RN, RA, CGC, March 10, 2011. Home-grown, Raw-fed.
Loua, July 12, 2020. Family-Ties.
"Mother Nature already knows what Science is still trying to figure out".
Glad everything went well.
At the Bridge
Pinks - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 12/30/10 - 5/12/23
Maddie - Chessie - 3/6/10 - 6/25/22
Purps (Pinks sister) - Black Lab/mix -(Back with us 1/1/18) 12/30/10 - 4/7/21
Gracie - Yellow Lab - 10/23/05 - 9/6/18
Nozomi (Zoe) - BC/Lab - Got ya 9/5/09 - 3/19/15
Abbey - Yellow Lab - Got ya - 5/8/09 - 4/22/11
Cheanna - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 5/99 - 9/21/10
Buddy (Bubba) - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 11/2/02 - 3/28/10
Amber - Yellow Lab/Dobi - Got ya 8/1989 - 5/15/01
Black Labbies (01-25-2025)
We used these when Rose was spayed last year. Bought 3 of them so we could rotate and clean them. The worked awesome overall, but a bit of a pain for doing there pee's and poo's.
Black Labbies (01-25-2025), smartrock (01-26-2025)
2 pictures of Loua in the expen, recovering from her spaying. She gets freedom when we're able to watch her.
Casey, Nellie, Dana, Kelsey, Bailey and Heidi. Forever in our hearts.
Zoda, May 26, 1999 - February 28, 2011. Forever in our hearts.
Opal, May 20, 2005 - April 24, 2020. Forever in our hearts.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Ursa, RN, RA, CGC, March 10, 2011. Home-grown, Raw-fed.
Loua, July 12, 2020. Family-Ties.
"Mother Nature already knows what Science is still trying to figure out".
So is she still co-owned or is she finally just yours?
And can't see the pictures![]()
Cookie Black Snowflake
July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.
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