annkie (02-15-2015), Bamps (02-16-2015), Dallas dawg (02-15-2015), Jollymolly (02-15-2015), twocrazylabs (02-17-2015)
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Mocha:Born 7/13/14 Gottcha 9/13/14 Latte: Born 7/15/16 Gottcha 9/9/16
Labs- "Hearts of gold, heads of stone, cast iron stomachs"
annkie (02-15-2015), Bamps (02-16-2015), Dallas dawg (02-15-2015), Jollymolly (02-15-2015), twocrazylabs (02-17-2015)
Ah, Happy Valentines Day to you too. What a good boy!
sparky (02-14-2015)
“Don't allow your happiness to be interrupted by overly judgmental people. The problem is not you, because even if you do good all the time, they would still find a way to judge you wrongly.”
― Hidden Content
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Hidden Content
Dallas dawg (02-15-2015), Jollymolly (02-15-2015), sparky (02-14-2015), twocrazylabs (02-17-2015)
Happy Valentines![]()
What a lovely boy he is![]()
Bamps (02-16-2015), beth101509 (02-15-2015), Dallas dawg (02-15-2015), Jollymolly (02-15-2015), twocrazylabs (02-17-2015)
On the cuteness scale of 1-10, that pic is an 11!!!!! Mocha you are such a cutie!!!
Soo cute love all of them.
What a good pup!!
OPIE September 2009 - July 2024 always in my heart
too cute!
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